May 12-16, Expocentre Fairgrounds (Russia) and E.J.Krause&Associates Inc. (US) were joining forces to run Sviaz-Ezpocemm – the 20th jubilee exhibition of telecommunications, navigation equipment, management systems and information technologies.
The Exhibition has been arranged with a good measure of support and participation from the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Industry, Federal Agency for Science and Innovations, Federal Space Agency, Federal Agency for Information Technologies and Moscow City Government, with patronage provided by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation.
The Sviaz-Expocomm-2008 steering committee was chaired by V. Putilin - deputy head of the Defense Industrial Commission with the Government of the Russian Federation, minister of the Russian Federation. The steering committee also included officials from other federal ministries and agencies, executives from relevant organizations and research centers.
To emphasize, Sviaz-Expocomm poses as the largest Russian, CIS and EEC-based exhibition of telecommunications and information technologies. In 2003 the Exhibition received the UFI (World Association of Exhibitors) award.
Year in year out the Exhibition has been demonstrating new domestic and foreign communications and IT achievements developed to satisfy a broad range of commercial and defensive requirements.
This year’s event was attended by about 700 companies from the following 26 world countries. Major foreign exhibitors included Citel Electronics Gmbh, Daetwyler Kabel + Systeme Gmbh, Emerson, Hawker Gmbh, Knurr Ag, Legran, Pirelli Broadband Solutions, Riello, Rittal Gmbh, Rohder & Schwarz, Siemens, Tyco Electronics and numerous other firms and organizations.
National exhibit areas were maintained by Germany, India, the United States of America, Taiwan, China, South Korea.
Russia was represented by 450 companies and organizations, some of the more advanced ones including ÀÌÒ Group, À.Ò.Ê., GAZKOM, Khrunichev GKNPC Research and Engineering Center, Ryazansky Priborny Zavod, Reshetnev OAO ISS, ZAO KB NAVIS, Ì2Ì TELEMATIKA, Moscow Radio Communications NII Research Center, Omsk Intrument Building NII Research Center, ÎÀÎ Korolev RKK Energiya, RNII KP, Popov RELERO Engineering and Industrial Facility, ROSKOSMOS Federal Space Agency and numerous other firms.
A total net footprint for Sviaz-Expocomm-2008 was more than 30,000 square meters. The Exhibition was covering the more pressing and growth-capable projects maintained for the benefit of national economy and private sector activities. Particularly highlighted were the display stands carrying disparate navigation systems and gadgets, some of those featuring GLONASS-based transmitters, relays and receivers.
The Sviaz-Expocomm-2008 business-support program covered a sequence of conferences, workshops, discussions and product presentations for participants and experts to be effectively updated on the latest industry achievements and share promising ideas.
The Center for Professional Education and Career Building was arranged in the areas of conventional communications, telecommunications and information technologies where the willing participants, experts and local academia talents were able to hold thematic presentations, workshops and discussions to address the more pressing issues of e-learning, innovative educational technologies and ongoing research studies in the field of standard communications and telecommunications.
Participant-presenters were introducing their new high-tech developments, state-of-the-art applications and solutions in the area of communications and telecommunications.
To underscore, Sviaz-Expocomm-2008 participants and visitors were able to use assorted appointment-making services provided by the MatchMaking system primarily designed to boost cost-effectiveness of attending the Exhibition.