The Organising Committee for Russian Week of High Technologies meets at EXPOCENTRE
The meeting was moderated by Chair at the Organising Committee for Russian Week of High Technologies and Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education Vladimir Kononov and Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO and Chair at the Committee on Exhibition, Fair, and Convention Activity of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Alexey Vyalkin.
Russian Week of High Technologies 2023 brings together several trade shows, forums and conferences devoted to information technology, telecommunications, navigation and telematics. The key events are the Sviaz 2023 International Exhibition for Information and Communications Technology, the Autonet International Forum of Innovative Transport Technology, the Sfera International Navigation Forum and Congress, the Navitech 2023 Display of Satellite Navigation, the Sviaz 2023 Forum 2022, and the Russian Software Forum: Effective Solutions for the Digital Economy.
This year, 20 new companies are taking part in RWHT. The China national pavilion is returning with about 70 Chinese participants. An extensive conference programme plans to focus on relevant issues such as information technology, AI in the industry, import substitution in telecommunications, and IoT.
Alexey Vyalkin drew attention to the rich conference programme of RWHT, which would run for four days. He suggested that speakers should focus on practical recommendations, including changes in sectoral programmes as well as legislative acts. The final document of the forum, which would have important practical value, could be formed around this.
Vladimir Kononov noted with satisfaction that RWHT had been in the plan of main events of the Decade of Science and Technology, in the initiative of Designing the Future, which aims to attract talented young people to R&D, promoting the involvement of researchers and developers in addressing critical issues of society and this country’s development.
The participants discussed organisational issues related to Russian Week of High Technologies.
The event’s participants also included First Deputy Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO Sergey Selivanov, Director at the Competence Center of Import Substitution in the ICT Sector Ilya Massukh, Executive Director at the Russian Software Products Association “Russian Software” Renat Lashin, Director at RBC Publishing House and Head of the Business Conference Department Irina Mitrofanova, and others.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO