Experts discuss digital transformation of the economy
The conference programme of Russian Week of High Technologies (RWHT) included the Strategic Session on the Digital Transformation of the Russian Economy: Priorities, Personnel, Laws. It was organised by the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, the Expert Council on Scientific and Technological Development and Intellectual Property of the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education, and EXPOCENTRE AO.
First Deputy Director General at EXPOCENTRE Sergey Selivanov welcomed the participants of the strategy session. According to him, the theme of digital transformation runs through the entire programme of the Week, which includes more than 30 events and a major display.
“This topic is receiving more and more attention at the show. I would particularly like to mention the demonstration of educational programmes and the technological achievements of universities at the Centre for Education and Science special display. The topic of digital transformation is inextricably linked to attracting new personnel to breakthrough sectors of technological development, high quality training, supporting their creative initiatives, and directly demonstrating their achievements at industry-specific trade shows. This once again underscores the importance of Russian Week of High Technologies,” said Sergey Selivanov.
The session was moderated by Chair at the Organising Committee for Russian Week of High Technologies and Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education Vladimir Kononov, who said that in 2021 the Government of the Russian Federation had approved a programme for digital transformation of science and higher education. The programme is designed until 2030. Experts note that the main barrier to the implementation of this programme is the conservative approach of the staff of educational institutions.
Acting Director of the Department of State Research and S&T Policy of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education Ekaterina Chaban elaborated on how the digital transformation was developing in terms of science.
According to Ekaterina Chaban, digital transformation is one of the most important areas of government and S&T policy. At the moment, the necessary services have been formulated for 2023, which will become an integral part of the Science and Innovation domain and will serve users as science management services, such as a so called single window, reducing the bureaucratic burden for both scientists and administrators. In terms of regulatory backing and forming the core of the Science and Innovation domain, new federal laws are being adopted and special orders of the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education are being approved. The Digital Departments, which is a programme of the federal IT human resources development project, are important in enabling students to acquire a new profession in information technology.
Deputy of the Russian State Dum and member of the Russian State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technology and Communications Anton Tkachev spoke about the future of human resources policy and delivered a report on prospects for Russia's digital capital.
The session participants also shared the experience of establishing engineering schools in Russia to train personnel in the high-tech and telecommunications industry, talked about universities as an element of the system of digital transformation of society, and discussed the patterns of digital transformation that significantly affect priorities and personnel.
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO