Thematic sessions at Sviaz 2023 Forum
Today the Sviaz 2023 Forum features thematic sessions devoted to the current industry issues. The Forum is organised by EXPOCENTRE AO and RBC.
At the session on Internet of Things (IoT) – Current Trends for the Future (watch the broadcast) Andrey Kolesnikov, Director of the Internet of Things Association, spoke about the current situation in the industry. According to him, IoT is developing with varying degrees of efficiency in almost all industries. First and foremost, of course, in the manufacturing industry, as it is the main driver of economic development.
Magomet Yandiev, a Deputy of the Moscow City Duma, explained to the participants in his speech why artificial intelligence cannot replace a deputy. Working with people requires taking into account all aspects of the “human factor”, and AI cannot do that.
Specialists from industry companies talked about their experience in implementing the Internet of Things in various sectors of the economy. They talked about the barriers that hinder such implementation, and highlighted the industries where IoT is developing actively and unconditionally. These are industry, agriculture, transportation, public (municipal) utilities, and others.
The second and third thematic sessions dealt with cloud technology and microelectronics:
Cloud Technology: Reaching New Heights (watch the broadcast)
Microelectronics: the Industry’s Current State, Opportunities for Development (watch the broadcast).
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO