HR issues of high-tech companies
The Strategic Session on the Scientific and Technological Development of Russia in the Context of New Challenges: Priorities, Human Resources, Laws was held within the conference programme of Russian Week of High Technologies 2024. The event is organised by the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education and EXPOCENTRE AO.
Deputy Chair at the Russian State Duma Committee on Science and Higher Education Vladimir Kononov moderated the session. In his opening speech he noted that it was the 7th edition of Russian Week of High Technologies that had opened today. Therefore, the session brought together representatives of universities that train personnel for technological industries, as well as representatives of the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalisers.
The session participants included heads of Ulyanovsk State Technical University, Cherepovets State University, MIREA – Russian Technological University, Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology, Novosibirsk State Technical University, and many others.
In his welcoming speech, First Deputy Director General at EXPOCENTRE AO Sergey Selivanov stressed that the issue of personnel was given attention at almost all trade shows held at EXPOCENTRE. For example, Sviaz 2024, which has opened today, features a Centre of Education and Science, where eight universities present their educational programmes and technological developments.
The session participants shared the experience of universities in training personnel for high-tech industries. They discussed relevant issues of education and training of qualified professionals.
Watch the broadcast to learn more
Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO