The Sviaz-Expocomm’2012 Exhibition will be held within the Days of Infocommunications’2012
On the order of the Ministry of Telecommunications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated February 6, 2012 the Days of Infocommunications’2012 will be held in Moscow City. This event will be the integrated platform for the players of telecommunication market.
The 24th International Exhibition for Telecommunications, Control Systems, IT and Communication Services Sviaz-Expocomm’2012 will be held within the Days of Infocommunications-2012.
The programme of business-related events of the Days of Infocommunications’2012 will be incorporated in accordance with thematic sections – the Day of Mass Communications, the Day of Telecommunications, the Day of IT, and the Day of the Public Administration.
The members of the organizing committee are Deputy Ministers of Telecommunications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Heads of the Departments of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation.