Innovative Solutions for Secure Web Communications

CommuniGateSystems is the developer of the world’s most effective and secure unified communication technologies offering top-notch communication and interaction solutions to businesses of any size.
The CommuniGatePro innovative solution for sending emails, voicemails, videos and files provides unprecedented security of online communications to web oriented and mobile users.
A unique multithreaded technology, the breaker of a series of world records, boasts remarkable performance levels and is the best investment for organizations who take their security and effectiveness seriously.
CommuniGateSystems supplies its products to global telecom majors: Verizon, BritishTelecom, DeutscheTelecom, Orange, Rostelecom, Beeline, Mango, MTS, Tele2, Sipnet and others.
CommuniGatePro is deemed to be the best solution for companies, schools, universities, government agencies and corporations: Evroset, Sberbank, the State Duma, the Interior Ministry, NASA, Mercedes-Benz, British Airways, Ebay, etc.
CommuniGateSystems creations will be presented at the Stand No.22V30 at the Sviaz-Expocom show to be held by Expocentre ZAO on May 12-15.
Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.
We are looking forward to meeting you!