Dmitry Medvedev sends a welcome address to Sviaz 2016

25 / 04 / 2016

Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has sent a welcome address to participants, visitors and organizers of the Sviaz 2016 International Exhibition.

He emphasized the importance of information technologies for the country’s development, for “cementing contacts between its regions, and providing the national security”. “Your professional event shows how the state programmes of the telecommunications industry development work. It reveals the results of intensive work on development of Russian software, import substitution and overall upgrade of the industry”, said Mr. Medvedev.

Sviaz 2016 will run at Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, on May 10–13, 2016. It will welcome more than 300 companies from Belarus, China, Cyprus, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, the USA, and other countries. Russia will be represented by 200 companies.

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Expocentre ZAO

